The DOT Physical Process.
Come prepared. If you wear eyeglasses, contact lenses, and/or a hearing aid, make sure to bring them along. In addition, have a list of any medications you take, along with the contact information for the doctor who prescribed them.
What are DOT exams?
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration requires DOT exams for all people who drive commercial vehicles. The exam aims to ensure that commercial drivers are healthy enough to safely operate large vehicles without posing a risk to others.
A DOT exam is required when you first apply for a commercial driving position, and once you begin working, you’ll need to come in every couple of years for a new exam to maintain your position. It’s important to understand that not all health providers are authorized to conduct DOT exams.
What should I expect during my DOT exam?
Many aspects of your DOT exams are similar to what happens during a routine physical exam. Expect a quick check of your vital signs, including your height, weight, temperature, and blood pressure. Additional areas of focus include:
- Skin
- Hearing and vision
- Abdomen
- Heart
- Lungs
- Back and spine
- Joints
- Nervous system
- Gait
- Circulatory system
- General appearance
Your exam also includes urine testing to check for excess sugar, protein, or blood. If you show signs of sleep apnea, additional testing is needed to check for that condition.
If everything goes well, your practitioner provides the documentation you need to prove you met the exam requirements. Your visit might also include an overview of ways you can improve your overall health or reduce your risk of chronic disease in the years to come.
What happens if I “fail” my DOT exam?
It’s always disappointing to receive results you weren’t expecting, but it’s important to keep a poor exam result in perspective. Your DOT exam aims to ensure you are healthy and fit enough for your job duties.
If an area of concern arises, this allows you to take care of a health issue that might otherwise have caused serious harm. In many cases, people who initially “fail” their DOT physical can pass a subsequent exam once they take care of existing health issues.
You don’t have to book an appointment when you’re ready to complete your exam, simply walk in and our experienced, certified practitioners and staff will take care of you. A certification card will be provided to the driver at the conclusion of the visit and we will report to the national database at the Federal Motor Safety Carrier Administration (FMSCA) on your behalf.